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Stranglethorn Vale is a vast jungle south of Duskwood.

Stranglethorn is inhabited by a variety of beasts and hostile creatures that low level characters should not face alone. The primary inhabitants are the Bloodscalp and Skullsplitter trolls, in the northwest and east respectively. The troll city of Zul'Gurub sits in a valley to the northeast, which was once the capital of troll civilization in Stranglethorn. In the north is a small village controlled by the renegade Colonel Kurzen. Other inhabitants include an encampment of ogres. Off the southeast coast is Jaguero Isle, inhabited by the enormous gorilla King Mukla. There is a renegade group of sailors, known as the Bloodsail Buccaneers, who have built camps on the southwestern and southern shores of Stranglethorn Vale. A small population of naga can be found in the southwest, and murlocs inhabit some underwater ruins in the northwest. The Venture Company also has two mining operations in Stranglethorn. In the northwest, the Zandalar Tribe has its base in Yojamba Isle.

The weekly Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza event happens every Sunday from 2-4pm.


In addition to the inhabitants listed above, the zone is populated by a large variety of relatively high level wild creatures. On PvP servers, it is a strategically important area, given that it is sandwiched between both Horde and Alliance territories, and thus it is also often one of the most actively contested areas in the game. This is particularly true of the area immediately surrounding Nesingwary's Expedition at the north end of the zone, near the Duskwood border. However, questing and hunting here is challenging and profitable, provided you can dodge the bullets. High level players love ganking, especially around the Bal'lal Ruins and between Booty Bay and Grom'Gol Base Camp.

Stranglethorn should probably be avoided by players under level 30, and even those above level 30 would be well advised to travel in groups of three or more. Only the brave should enter alone.


The ancient Gurubashi Empire was a source of many fascinating and intriguing legends that can be, no doubt, traced to their Environs. As examinations of their belief systems Societal practices have pointed to a great reverence for their natural surroundings. The Gurubashi Empire was surrounded on three sides by sea, so it comes as little surprise that water would figure prominently as an aspect of their society. Recent discoveries during Surveys of the Troll ruins in Stranglethorn have shown reference to an object called the "Stone of the Tides". Various fragments of troll legends can be pieced together to paint a rather complete picture of the stone and its importance to the Gurubashi Empire. It appears that the Stone of the Tides allowed its bearer to control water in its many forms.
Legends of the Gurubashi, Volume III

Maps and Subregions[]


Stranglethorn Vale map

Bal'lal RuinsBalia'mah RuinsBloodsail CompoundBooty Bay
The Cape of StranglethornThe Crystal ShoreCrystalvein MineGrom'gol Base Camp
Gurubashi ArenaJaguero IsleJaneiro's PointKal'ai Ruins
Kurzen's CompoundLake NazferitiMistvale ValleyMizjah Ruins
Mosh'Ogg Ogre MoundNek'mani WellspringNesingwary's ExpeditionRebel Camp
Ruins of AborazRuins of JubuwalRuins of Zul'KundaRuins of Zul'Mamwe
The Salty Sailor TavernThe Savage CoastSouthern Savage CoastSpirit Den
The StockpileTkashi RuinsVenture Co. Base CampVenture Co. Operations Center
The Vile ReefWild ShoreYojamba IsleZiata'jai Ruins
Zul'GurubZuuldaia Ruins


Name Level Range Group Size Approximate Run Time
Zul'Gurub 60+ 20-man Unknown

Travel hubs[]

Horde from Grom'gol[]

From Booty Bay[]

Adjacent regions[]

Zone Name Faction Level Range Direction Access
Westfall Alliance 10-20 Northwest By swimming upriver or along the coast, or by Alliance flightpath from Booty Bay to Sentinel Hill
Duskwood Alliance 20-30 North By foot or Alliance flightpath from Booty Bay or Rebel Camp to Darkshire

Notable characters[]

Booty Bay

Booty Bay

Main article: Stranglethorn Vale NPCs

Stranglethorn Vale is home to several characters of note. In Booty Bay, Baron Revilgaz and Fleet Master Seahorn seek aid in the battle against the Bloodsail Buccaneers. In Grom'gol Base Camp, Kin'weelay attempts to rid the jungle of the bloodthirsty Bloodscalp and Skullsplitter trolls. In the Rebel Camp, Lieutenant Doren and his men seek to usurp the choke hold the evil Colonel Kurzen has put on the northern forest, and at his expedition camp, Hemet Nesingwary sends bold hunters into the deepest parts of the vale in search of rare and exotic animals.


Main article: Stranglethorn Vale quests
See also: Stranglethorn Vale questing guide


Crystalvein Mine

Crystalvein Mine

The Cape of Stranglethorn Cliff

The Cape of Stranglethorn

Wild creatures[]



  • Basilisks
  • Crabs
  • Crocolisks
  • Frenzies
  • Ghouls
  • Goblins
  • Gorillas
  • Murlocs
  • Naga
  • Ogres
  • Panthers
  • Raptors
  • Sea giants
  • Sharks
  • Tigers
  • Water elementals
Subzones of Stranglethorn Vale

Map of Stranglethorn Vale

Bal'lal Ruins · Balia'mah Ruins · Bloodsail Compound · Booty Bay · The Cape of Stranglethorn · The Crystal Shore · Crystalvein Mine · Grom'gol Base Camp · Gurubashi Arena · Jaguero Isle · Janeiro's Point · Kal'ai Ruins · Kurzen's Compound · Lake Nazferiti · Mistvale Valley · Mizjah Ruins · Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound · Nek'mani Wellspring · Nesingwary's Expedition · Rebel Camp · Ruins of Aboraz · Ruins of Jubuwal · Ruins of Zul'Kunda · Ruins of Zul'Mamwe · The Salty Sailor Tavern · The Savage Coast · Southern Savage Coast · Spirit Den · The Stockpile · Tkashi Ruins · Venture Co. Base Camp · Venture Co. Operations Center · The Vile Reef · Wild Shore · Yojamba Isle · Ziata'jai Ruins · Zul'Gurub · Zuuldaia Ruins